I have noticed my belly has gotten bigger over the last few weeks and I can DEFINITELY feel it. The stretching! Cocoa butter has become my new best friend. This week I have also noticed Porter getting stronger. Matt has been able to feel him kick almost every day! He is kicking as I type :)
Here I am at week 23 (the first week of the sixth month)

Dear Porter,
You have been kicking mommy A LOT lately. You are especially active in the mornings, which means you are definitely my child! :) I read about how you are doing all the time..books, my apps, and online. I can't seem to get enough information about what is going on in my tummy right now! You are about the size of a papaya and this next month you will be growing SO much. I know I've probably said it one too many times, but I can't wait to meet you. Only 4 more months! Love you little guy,
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