Sunday, September 8, 2013

37 Weeks!

Well, I am officially FULL TERM! Connor can come whenever he is ready :) At my doctor's appointment on Thursday, I was dilated to a 2 and my cervix was "very favorable for labor"! She said he could come any day now, but we all know how that goes! He will come when he's good and ready. I would make an estimate as to when I think he is coming, but let's be real..I was wrong with Porter and I would be lying if I said I really know what's going on with my body. I do know I have been having a lot of contractions over the last week. Specifically Thursday and Friday night. At 3 am. None of them truly consistent, though. I have also had A TON of braxton hicks. A TON. They are weird. Because I never had them with Porter.

Other than that we have just been relaxing and getting everything ready around the house! The nursery is finished and everything is packed and ready to go for Connor's arrival. I just can't wait to have another little baby in the house! I can't believe it's already almost time.

I really wanted to get a picture of my belly this time, because I forgot to take one with Porter. So, here it is :)

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