Saturday, March 23, 2013

13 Weeks with Baby #2

I am finally at 13 weeks and feeling good! Thank goodness! I am no longer feeling nauseous and have energy back.

I'm excited that we are using this little chalkboard this time and don't know why I didn't think of it when I was pregnant with Porter! I can definitely see that I am showing more this time around, but haven't gained as much weight as I did with P (don't know how that works!). I think it's because I am chasing around a toddler all day!

We find out in a few weeks what we're having and I can't wait! I had a strong intuition at the beginning that it was a girl, but now I'm starting to think boy. So, I have no idea..But know I have a 50/50 chance! :) We are just praying our sweet baby is healthy and growing perfectly.

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