As far as baby stats goes, we found out this week he is weighing in at 7.5 pounds! When the sonogram tech told me I'm pretty sure I put my hands to my face and muttered the words, "oh my gosh!" He is going to be a big boy!!!! She told me if he goes to full term (40 weeks), he could be 9.5. YALL 9.5! The next time we go, she said she wanted to do another sonogram to monitor his weight. So we might get to see him again!
As far as sleeping goes, I haven't been sleeping well. It just started this week. I get up 5-6 times to go to the bathroom and when I get up to go around 3, it normally takes me an hour to fall asleep. I guess God is getting me ready to be up with him every night. But, I am so tired during the day. Some days, I feel like I am just trying to "make it". Other than that, I feel pretty good. He is constantly kicking me in the ribs and the pelvic pain hurts, but I usually take Tylenol in the morning and it makes me feel better.
I have my work shower tomorrow and I can't wait! I just love the people I work with and it'll be nice to sit and talk to my friends..because work has been pretty stressful this year, for all of us! I will post pics next week!
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