Let's rewind 3 weeks ago to when I first found out I was pregnant. I found out Sunday June 5th, the day after school was out. I just had a "feeling", so I went and bought a test. I took it not really thinking anything. After a minute, I took a look and saw a positive test. I was in SHOCK! We were not trying yet, so I was not expecting a positive. I showed it to Matt, who did NOT believe me! So, I took another..He STILL didn't believe it. So, I went to the store to get the digital kind. A few minutes later, we saw this..

So- fast forward to today. We got to see our precious little baby! I am measuring at 7 weeks and 2 days. To me, it looks like a little peanut! The most wonderful sound in the entire world was his/her heartbeat. It was 144 bpm. I cannot wait for what the rest of the pregnancy holds!
Here is Baby Bickston's sonogram from today!

Dear baby,
Even though you are so small, your daddy and I already love you so much! We talk about you ALL the time and wonder what you are going to look like and be like. I cannot wait to see you again and hear your precious little heartbeat! You are such a little miracle.
Love, Mommy
Wow!!!! God is so good!!! My eyes are filled with tears for you because I know how much better your life is about to get! I just opened blogger and this was the first thing I saw and I just smiled. You are going to love it, I already can't wait to see if it's a girl or boy!! Praise God for your little miracle, I know it's the best feeling in the world! Love, Tanna
Awwww! Congratulations girl! I knew it was only a matter of time! :)
I am so incredibly happy for you guys!! I cant wait to see you July 4th and give you a big congratulations hug! Welcome to the "Mommy to be" club!! :)
Hi, Laura! I just popped over from Kelli's blog when I saw the title of your post. How exciting!!! This is such a special time for you & Matt! I am just thrilled for you guys! Congratulations! :)
Congratulations! I'll be praying for a healthy pregnancy. Can't wait to watch your little bump grow :)
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