Like usual, I am behind on posts! I should have posted this ONE month ago..but I started back to work and have been really busy. Having a baby is exhausting, but working with a baby is even more exhausting! I am happy to announce that once this school year is over, I will be staying home with Porter.
But, back to the sweet little man who occupies all of our time!
Porter was 2 months on April 2nd!
You still love to eat :) You are also still eating every 2-3 hours during the day.
You are sleeping in 5-6 hour stretches at night, with a few nights going 8 hours!
You weigh 13 lbs. 6 oz. and are growing like a weed! You still fit in 3 months clothes and some 6 month. Goodness, you are a big boy! You are in the 90th percentile in weight and 98th percentile in height. I think you'll be big like daddy! You are in between sizes in diapers, so I have you in a size 1-2.
Here are some pictures of you from this month. You are still a little pleasure and we love you more each day!
On mommy's birthday
Your daddy loves this shark towel on you!
You LOVE tummy time and you're getting so good at holding up your head!
Your favorite place to be. It's mommy's favorite place too! :)
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
1 Month Old
As far as food goes, you still LOVE to eat! You eat every 2-3 hours during the day. At night, you sleep in 4 hour stretches. The other night you slept 5 1/2 hours and I woke your daddy up to tell him because I was so happy! You do love your sleep.
You weigh 11 and 1/2 pounds and can no longer fit into your newborn clothes. You are wearing your 0-3 month clothes and 3 month clothes already!
You are still so alert! You love to stare at your daddy when he talks to you. You also love to look at yourself in the mirror we put on your changing table!
You are one adorable little boy and I love every day I spend with you! :)
Friday, February 10, 2012
1 week old
I have to say, we are so blessed. You are the best baby! You pretty much only cry when you need something and we can usually figure it out by checking a few things.
You are wearing newborn clothes and diapers. You eat every 2-3 hours and very well might I add. You LOVE to eat! You wake up about every 3-4 hours at night by stirring and then I change and feed you, which you normally just sleep right through!
You love the sound of the blow dryer and white noise. You also love warm water and when we brush your hair. I can't wait to give you a "real" bath, I think you will love it!!
You HATE being naked and having your diaper changed.
Your daddy and I just love to cuddle and stare at you. You are SO alert too. You just look around and take everything in most of the time. We are hoping it stays this way ;)
Porter David is here!
Well, I definitely ate my words in my last post! Our sweet baby boy was born February 2, 2o12 and 11 days early!!!
The day he was born was the most amazing day of my life and the whole day couldn't have gone any better. Let's start from the beginning!
I woke up at 5:50 that morning to my water breaking. Honestly, I thought I had wet my pants and thought not again! But, when I sat down on the toilet and then got up, it KEPT coming. I immediately said, "Matt, I think my water broke." He was sleeping and sat up and said, "Babe, are you sure?" By this point, I think he thought I WANTED it to happen so bad I was imagining things. But, it still kept coming so I called my nurse. They told me right away I had to go to L&D so I could be checked and that was the only way to know.
I had a good feeling that this was it, so we got everything loaded in the car and started making videos (something we really wanted to do to document everything that happened that day!) Matt kept saying, "We're not ready yet...the nursery isn't all the way done!" Which was sort of true. We were going to hang Porter's letters from an oar above his crib and we hadn't done that yet. But, everything else was ready. What's funny is that we had designated Saturday as the "last" day to do everything around our house to get ready for our little man. Well, he had different plans :)
So, back to leaving for the hospital. I called my mom right away, because she lives in Colorado and would have to get on a flight to get here. I said, "Ok, mom I want you to get up and start looking at flights because I'm not sure, but I think my water broke." She said to keep her updated and we headed to the hospital. On the way, we called my dad and Matt's parents because they wanted to be informed immediately :)
We got to the hospital and got checked in to a room. They have a little piece of tape that they can use to check if it is amniotic fluid or urine. As soon as she put it down there, it turned dark blue and she informed me, I in fact was in labor. From that point on, everything was so exciting. I experienced a mix of emotions, but mostly I was so excited it was finally happening!!! The day went by VERY fast, even though there was a lot of waiting and watching tv.

Matt got me a "push present" which he was so excited to give me. It was an iPad 2!!! What a great hubby. I loved using it!

At 9:00 am they started me on Pitocin, which started my contractions. At first they started out small and then started to REALLY hurt.
At around 1:00, I was dilated to a 4, so it was time to get the epidural!
Side note- the epidural was NOTHING. It took like 2 minutes and didn't even hurt. My suggestion to anyone getting it who is freaked out, just don't look at any of the tools they use. I had no idea what he was doing back there and it made me feel much better :)
After the epidural things were GREAT! My mom got there with Matt's mom around 3:00 pm and it was nice to visit with them and just relax.
By around 5:00 pm, my nurse checked me and I was dilated to a 9!!! I couldn't believe it. How quick! Porter was getting lower and lower and ready to come. I pushed for about 30 minutes, but every time I pushed he would go back up. So, they wanted me to turn on my side and wait for him to make his way down on his own.
At 6:00 pm, it was time to push again. I pushed for 25 more minutes and he was born. That last 25 minutes was the hardest, it was hard work! But, by far the most amazing experience I have ever had in my entire life. I can't put into words how amazing it was. Seeing your baby for the first time, well it was surreal.
As soon as Porter came out, he grabbed onto my doctors shirt and held on. It was the funniest thing!
After that, I got to do skin to skin and hold my sweet little boy. Ahhh, I was in heaven and STILL AM.
Matt talking to me during a contraction
Right after he was born
Holding Porter for the first time
Proud daddy!!!

I have NEVER loved anything in this whole world like I love Porter. It's a love I have never experienced before.
The day he was born was the most amazing day of my life and the whole day couldn't have gone any better. Let's start from the beginning!
I woke up at 5:50 that morning to my water breaking. Honestly, I thought I had wet my pants and thought not again! But, when I sat down on the toilet and then got up, it KEPT coming. I immediately said, "Matt, I think my water broke." He was sleeping and sat up and said, "Babe, are you sure?" By this point, I think he thought I WANTED it to happen so bad I was imagining things. But, it still kept coming so I called my nurse. They told me right away I had to go to L&D so I could be checked and that was the only way to know.
I had a good feeling that this was it, so we got everything loaded in the car and started making videos (something we really wanted to do to document everything that happened that day!) Matt kept saying, "We're not ready yet...the nursery isn't all the way done!" Which was sort of true. We were going to hang Porter's letters from an oar above his crib and we hadn't done that yet. But, everything else was ready. What's funny is that we had designated Saturday as the "last" day to do everything around our house to get ready for our little man. Well, he had different plans :)
So, back to leaving for the hospital. I called my mom right away, because she lives in Colorado and would have to get on a flight to get here. I said, "Ok, mom I want you to get up and start looking at flights because I'm not sure, but I think my water broke." She said to keep her updated and we headed to the hospital. On the way, we called my dad and Matt's parents because they wanted to be informed immediately :)
We got to the hospital and got checked in to a room. They have a little piece of tape that they can use to check if it is amniotic fluid or urine. As soon as she put it down there, it turned dark blue and she informed me, I in fact was in labor. From that point on, everything was so exciting. I experienced a mix of emotions, but mostly I was so excited it was finally happening!!! The day went by VERY fast, even though there was a lot of waiting and watching tv.
Matt got me a "push present" which he was so excited to give me. It was an iPad 2!!! What a great hubby. I loved using it!

At 9:00 am they started me on Pitocin, which started my contractions. At first they started out small and then started to REALLY hurt.
At around 1:00, I was dilated to a 4, so it was time to get the epidural!
Side note- the epidural was NOTHING. It took like 2 minutes and didn't even hurt. My suggestion to anyone getting it who is freaked out, just don't look at any of the tools they use. I had no idea what he was doing back there and it made me feel much better :)
After the epidural things were GREAT! My mom got there with Matt's mom around 3:00 pm and it was nice to visit with them and just relax.
By around 5:00 pm, my nurse checked me and I was dilated to a 9!!! I couldn't believe it. How quick! Porter was getting lower and lower and ready to come. I pushed for about 30 minutes, but every time I pushed he would go back up. So, they wanted me to turn on my side and wait for him to make his way down on his own.
At 6:00 pm, it was time to push again. I pushed for 25 more minutes and he was born. That last 25 minutes was the hardest, it was hard work! But, by far the most amazing experience I have ever had in my entire life. I can't put into words how amazing it was. Seeing your baby for the first time, well it was surreal.
As soon as Porter came out, he grabbed onto my doctors shirt and held on. It was the funniest thing!
After that, I got to do skin to skin and hold my sweet little boy. Ahhh, I was in heaven and STILL AM.
I have NEVER loved anything in this whole world like I love Porter. It's a love I have never experienced before.
We love you sweet Porter and are honored to be your parents!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
38 Weeks

He could come any day now! At the doctor on Monday, not much had changed. Still dilated to a 1 1/2. My next doctor's appointment is on Tuesday and I'm hoping we'll discuss induction dates if he's not here by then (wishful thinking!). I think he's very comfortable in there and will make a late appearance, but we'll see.
I still need to post pictures of the nursery..hopefully this weekend! :)
Sunday, January 29, 2012
37 Weeks

I know what you are all thinking, and yes my belly grew A LOT over the last week! I feel like I had a growth spurt and he is huge now! At our appointment on Monday, I was dilated to a 1 1/2 and 25% effaced. At least we are somewhat moving right along. I have been having Braxton Hicks a lot more this week and hear that is a good sign because it means my body is getting ready!
Tomorrow I will be 38 weeks. I truly never thought I would get here! My pregnancy has gone by so slow, and so fast all at the same time. I am now at the point where I am uncomfortable and very ready for Porter to make his big appearance! I do NOT sleep much anymore..there is too much on my mind and I have to get up to go to the bathroom more times than I can count on one hand. Mostly, I just want to see his little face and hear him cry for the first time. :)
I decided to make a list of all the things I am ready and not so ready for to happen.
Things I am READY for:
1. To hold him in my arms
2. To see Matt hold him
3. To see how Maddie and Porter interact
4. To not feel HUGE :)
5. For everyone to meet him!
Things I am NOT READY for:
1. Nursing- can you really prepare yourself?
2. Not having him with me ALL the time
3. Changing diapers..I'm not gonna lie, it scares me!
4. To not feel his kicks inside me
There you have it. I'm pretty confident we'll be good parents, but the fact that we will have this little man to take care of VERY soon makes me a little uneasy, just being honest! But, I do think we have done a good job of getting everything prepared for him and above everything else, I cannot wait to be Porter's mommy. What a blessing!
So, from here, it's pretty much a waiting game! When will he come??? I'm hoping he stays in until February 9th (because that's when my mom get's here) but, if he decides he wants to come before then, that is alright with me!!!!!!! :)
Sunday, January 22, 2012
36 Weeks

As far as baby stats goes, we found out this week he is weighing in at 7.5 pounds! When the sonogram tech told me I'm pretty sure I put my hands to my face and muttered the words, "oh my gosh!" He is going to be a big boy!!!! She told me if he goes to full term (40 weeks), he could be 9.5. YALL 9.5! The next time we go, she said she wanted to do another sonogram to monitor his weight. So we might get to see him again!
As far as sleeping goes, I haven't been sleeping well. It just started this week. I get up 5-6 times to go to the bathroom and when I get up to go around 3, it normally takes me an hour to fall asleep. I guess God is getting me ready to be up with him every night. But, I am so tired during the day. Some days, I feel like I am just trying to "make it". Other than that, I feel pretty good. He is constantly kicking me in the ribs and the pelvic pain hurts, but I usually take Tylenol in the morning and it makes me feel better.
I have my work shower tomorrow and I can't wait! I just love the people I work with and it'll be nice to sit and talk to my friends..because work has been pretty stressful this year, for all of us! I will post pics next week!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
35 Weeks

We offically have everything ready to go for when Porter gets here. I have packed my hospital bag and we are going to put the car seat in sometime this week! EEK! It's getting so close!!!! Matt is in "get everything ready" mode. He has been cleaning like a mad man. I have to take a second, to document, so I can remember what an amazing help he has been since I have gotten VERY pregnant. He does just about everything. Laundry, cleaning, cooking..Not to mention any time I ask for something he runs to get it. Now, I know..I am sure there are days when I annoy him with my whining or constantly asking for help, but he never says anything negative. I've got a good one folks..and I can't wait to see him with Porter. I just know he will love and wanna be just like his daddy! :)
I will update with pictures of the nursery and sonogram pictures in the next week or so!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
34 Weeks

I went back to work this week and man was it tough after that nice 2 weeks off! I am still feeling good, other than when I'm on my feet for too long they start to swell and hurt. I am still sleeping well, but it is VERY challenging getting out of bed. I sort of have to roll! I'm sure it's a sight to see :) The nursery is pretty much ready to go. Just waiting on his rug, which should be in at the end of January. I am having a really hard time deciding on letters to go above his crib. Hopefully it'll come to me in the next few weeks.
We go to the doctor next Monday for my 36 week appointment and from there I start going every week! I'm excited to see how I'm progressing and get more of an idea of when he'll get here!!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
33 Weeks

I haven't seen much change in my belly between this week and last week. He is growing fast though! I can feel elbows, knees, and feet now. I must say, it takes my breath away sometimes when he kicks me! I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday and I hope she'll have some news for me as to how he's progressing in there. I've been measuring big, so who knows..he might come early! :)
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